Strathmore University CPA notes and Revision kits

Updated Strathmore University CPA notes and Revision kits

Strathmore university Business school has been providing the best CPA notes and revision kits and Tuition for CPA students. the following are cpa notes and revision kits available for free downloads to those taking CPA course in Kenya. For the free books in pdf form Click on the subject title to follow the download link


Section 1

Section 2

Click here to Purchase new CPA Section 2 notes: Kasnebnotes


Section 3

Click here buy CPA Revision Kits Sec 1-6

Section 4

Click here to Purchase new CPA Section 4 notes: Kasnebnotes


Section 5

Section 6

Certified Public Accountants are skilled and competent professional accountants, auditors, finance managers, tax consultants and practitioners both in public and private sectors.

12 thoughts on “Strathmore University CPA notes and Revision kits”

  1. Please am in need of forensic accounting notes, which college offers the course? Thanks

  2. I need to purchase questions and answers for management accounting for the last seven years, how can I get it?

  3. Dear adm i purchased cpa revision kits section 5 but could not get advanced management revision kit. Kindly assist

  4. Kindly assist…I purchased revision kits till now I can’t access them..what could be the problem

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