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This paper is intended to equip the candidate with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her to apply information systems effectively in solving business problems and decision making.
A candidate who passes this paper should be able to:
- Investigate on existing technologies about software and hardware to solve problems
- Display proficiency in decision making using contemporary Information systems tools
- Apply the principles of information systems development
- Use various information systems in an organisation
- Apply the knowledge of information systems for competitive advantage
- Use data communication networks, the Internet and e-commerce in optimising business opportunities
- Implement information systems’ governance and risk management principles in business
- Implement information systems legal, ethical and social
- Introduction to information communication technology (ICT)
- Overview of ICT
- Introduction to computer systems
- Computer hardware
- Computer software
- Programming languages and tools
- Information systems personnel and hierarchy
- Role of ICT in business environments
- Information centres
- Impact of ICT in business
ICT governance
- Corporate governance and ICT governance
- Policies and procedures
- ICT management practices
- Monitoring of controls and risks
- Impact on ICT compliance with professional standards and codes
Systems development
- General systems theory
- Role of management in systems development
- Systems development approaches
- Systems development life cycle (SDLC)
- Rapid applications development (RAD)
- Systems development constraints
Information systems in an enterprise
- Overview of information systems
- Components of an information system
- Types and characteristics of information systems
- Systems in a functional perspective
- Enterprise applications and the business process integration
- Management information systems resources
Enterprise Data Management
- Nature and types of information
- Attributes of information
- Files and file structure
- File organisation methods
- Database management systems
- Characteristics, importance and limitations of database systems
- Data warehousing
- Transaction processing phases in business systems
- File processing modes
- Role of data professionals in an organisation
- Business Intelligence and analytics
Data communication and computer networks
- Principles of data communication and computer networks
- Data communication devices
- Data transmission characteristics
- Types of networks
- Network topologies
- Network/internet architecture protocols
- Benefits and challenges of networks in an organisation
- Limitations of networks in an organisation
- Network security
- Cloud computing concepts, features and models
- Internet of things (IoT)
- e-commerce concepts and features
- Models of e-commerce
- Impact of the internet on business
- E-commerce enabling software
- Business opportunities in e-commerce
- E-commerce infrastructure and platforms
- E-commerce payments methods
- Challenges of e-commerce
- Securing e-commerce transactions
- M-commerce and applications
- Digital marketing methods
Information systems strategy
- Overview of business strategy hierarchy
- The strategic process and information systems planning
- Development of information systems strategy
- Aligning information systems to the organisation’s corporate strategy
- Managing information systems strategy
- Information systems for competitive advantage
- Measuring organisational information systems performance
- Business process reengineering
Information systems risk and security management
- Risk management overview
- Risk assessment and analysis methodologies
- Controls and countermeasures
- Risk monitoring and communication
- Disaster recovery and business continuity planning
- Information systems security management
Legal, ethical and social issues in management information systems
- Management information systems ethical and social concerns
- The moral dimension of management information systems
- The legal issues in management information systems
Emerging issues and trends