Exemptions in Certified Public Accountants (CPA)
Section 1:
- Commercial law
- Entrepreneurship and Communication
Section 2:
- Economics
- Financial Accounting – certain cases only upon further review of application
Exemptions in Certified secretaries (CS)
Section 1:
- Organisational Behaviour
- Commercial law
- Business Communication
Section 2:
- Economics
- Principles of Accounting – certain cases only upon further review of application
Exemptions in Certified Information Communication Technologist (CICT)
Section 1:
- Entrepreneurship and Communication
Section 2:
- Principles of Accounting – certain cases only upon further review of application
Exemptions in Certified Investment Financial Analysts (CIFA)
Section 1:
- Entrepreneurship and Communication
Section 2:
- Economics
- Financial Mathematics and Principles of Accounting – certain cases only upon further review of application
Exemptions in Certified Credit Professionals (CCP)
Section 1:
- Commercial Law
- Entrepreneurship and Communication
Section 2:
- Economics
- Financial Mathematics and Principles of Accounting – certain cases only upon further review of application