How to Appeal for Remarking of KASNEB examination papers

Remarking appeal form kasneb fails refers


  • Students are ADVISED not to make the appeal decision in a rush and to note that a candidate’s external circumstances that could have affected his or her performance are not considered during the review of marking.
  • All appeals should be on the designated The form is available for download on the KASNEB website.
  • The appeal form should be received KASNEB within fourteen (14) days after the date of release of the examination This date is indicated in the examination result notification. Students paying through the banks or other agents are advised to personally send the forms attaching copies of deposit slips to KASNEB so as to be received within the stated deadline. Appeal forms received after the stated deadline will not be considered.
  • The candidate’s name should NOT appear anywhere on the form.
  • A remarking fee shall be charged at Sh. 5,000 per paper for diploma level examinations and 7,500 per paper for professional level examinations.
  • A refund of the remarking fee, less an administrative charge of 15% shall be made if, after the remarking, the student’s results for a particular paper change from FAIL to PASS.
  • Feedback on remarking shall be provided to candidates within a period of between two and three weeks after the expiry of the deadline for receipt of appeals.

Download Kasneb remarking appeal form here